
博天堂官方入口登陆登录 is more than a place to earn your degree. It’s also a community where you’ll grow as a person. 通过每周的节目, retreats and partnership with local faith communities, the 属灵生活办公室 and Chaplain 伊丽莎白·麦考德 will help you discover a purposeful life.

“I was determined to form a new faith community at Carroll by getting involved in spiritual life.”

收集 is a weekly time of Christian worship led by the Student Ministry Team
Carroll is an inter-religious campus welcoming students from a breadth of religious traditions


博天堂官方入口登陆登录 is both Presbyterian and inter-denominational, Christian and multi-faith. We’re affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.),并借鉴我们的基督教传统, 但是我们的学生, 教师 and staff come from a wide variety of faith traditions. The 属灵生活办公室 celebrates and supports this diversity of spiritual paths through opportunities for service, 反射, 跨宗教教育, annual retreats and regular faith practice. 学生组织, such as InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and WELS 校园 Ministry, offer additional experiences for faith development and leadership on campus.

Carroll’s partnerships with external religious and nonprofit organizations enable students to extend their spiritual community. Together with these groups Carroll offers countless opportunities for learning, service and spiritual growth on campus and in the broader community.

Richard Smart House
博天堂官方入口登陆登录’s 属灵生活办公室 can be found in the Richard Smart House located at 239 West College Ave. 建于1852年, this is the second oldest home in 沃基肖 and was constructed of stone taken from the quarry where Schneider Stadium now stands. The house offers a meditation room, study space, and hospitality to any Carroll students. It is also the location of our weekly Bible studies, 冥想团体, 和其他属灵生活事件. The 属灵生活办公室 is a department of the University, lead by our Chaplain and Resident Chaplain along with our Student Ministry Team.


牧师. 伊丽莎白E. P. McCord serves as chaplain and director of spiritual life at 博天堂官方入口登陆登录. Elizabeth is passionate about students’ spiritual development 和爱s creating environments in which they can seek out their greatest purpose. In addition to developing spiritual life programs for the Carroll community, Elizabeth provides pastoral care and spiritual direction to students, 教师, staff and other members of the Carroll family. She provides a spiritual presence on campus and is available to speak or teach at Carroll events or in the local community. Elizabeth is ordained in the United Church of Christ and has ministerial standing with the Presbytery of Milwaukee. 



The 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 and the Presbytery of Milwaukee are excited to announce our Chaplain Residency Partnership for the 2022-23 academic year. The Chaplain Residency is bringing 安娜Langholz, an emerging faith leader to our region. Anna will serve halftime on the 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 campus and halftime at with Crossroads Presbyterian Church. This partnership is made possible through the generosity of Carroll donors and the support of the Presbytery of Milwaukee.

牧师. 安娜Langholz serves as the chaplain resident at 博天堂官方入口登陆登录. Anna studied Psychology at  Hope College in Holland, Michigan before getting an M.Div from Princeton Theological Seminary and being ordained as a Minister of Word and Sacrament with the Reformed Church in America. Some of her passions in college ministry include walking with students through seasons of deep vocational discernment and identity formation. When she isn’t at Carroll, Anna is also serving Crossroads Presbyterian Church in Mequon. She loves learning from students about the latest tik tok trends and dreaming about which national park to visit next!


领导合作. The heart of the Chaplain Residency Partnership is the initiative to bring a recent seminary graduate to the Presbytery of Milwaukee who will engage in creative, committed pastoral leadership in two vital ministry settings: a local congregation and 博天堂官方入口登陆登录. The resident will be employed half-time by the congregation and half-time by Carroll. They will receive supervision and mentorship from season clergy members of the Presbytery and opportunities for continuing education through Carroll. They will nurture opportunities for collaboration and innovation in both ministry settings, serving alongside each community with energy, 情报, 想象力, 和爱.

博天堂官方入口登陆登录: A Legacy of Partnership with the Presbyterian Church

As the first four-year institution of higher education in the State of Wisconsin, 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 roots our mission in our Presbyterian and liberal arts heritage. Since 1850 Carroll has been affiliated with the Presbyterian Church, a relationship reaffirmed in our 2010 Covenant with the Synod of Lakes and Prairies. The University has had a long history of serving and being served by the church, and Carroll’s mission and core values reflect the educational excellence, 有目的的生活, and Reformed spirit expressed throughout Presbyterian culture. 

博天堂官方入口登陆登录的战略计划, 先锋驱动, charts an ambitious and dynamic course forward, one characterized by innovation and entrepreneurship and fueled by the dedication and drive of today’s Pioneers. 作为 先锋驱动, the Chaplain Residency Partnership will celebrate our Presbyterian heritage and enhance our core mission: to provide a superior education, rooted in its Presbyterian and liberal arts heritage, and draws upon its Christian tradition to prepare all students for vocational success, lifelong learning and service in a diverse and global society.





Always seeking to expand the vibrancy of life at Carroll, our university’s calling to celebrate neurodiversity invites each of us to plumb the depths of our own ways of being, reimagining the frameworks we have constructed for our identities.




我们人类的约依赖于上帝的约 与我们的契约. God has promised to be with us come what may – in wealth or want, joy or sorrow, sickness or health – for all our days.




每个人都有自己的崇拜方式, and Carroll is dedicated to providing flexible spaces that accommodate all of those practices. Learn more about our spiritual spaces below. 

博天堂官方入口登陆登录礼拜堂摄影 汉弗莱纪念教堂

This large space is used for worship and spiritual engagement. Sunday afternoons students come to 收集 at Humphrey for music, 反射 and community. It’s also used for spiritual life led meditation and contemplation programming, 特别季节性敬拜仪式, and for religiously-affiliated student group events.

冥想礼拜堂 冥想教堂

The Nelson Vance Russell 冥想教堂 in Shattuck Music Center features a cross, candles and prayer books from the Christian tradition and is available for private or small group use.

http://authoring.americangreens.net/media-library/campus-and-student-life/prayer-room-2021 祈祷室

The 祈祷室 on the lower level of the 校园中心 is symbol-free to be welcoming to students from any faith tradition and is available for individual use.


博天堂官方入口登陆登录 supports the holistic spiritual development of every student. 在这里, you will have opportunities to practice your own tradition while also learning about the breadth of religious practices and expressions. Carroll offers a variety of resources and accommodations to enable you to maintain your religious heritage and deepen your spirituality.   


The 属灵生活办公室 promotes holidays from many major religious traditions and provides resources for students’ religious observance. Classes are not in session during most major Christian holidays, including Good Friday. Students whose traditions require absences during regular class times should contact their professors within the first two weeks of each semester. Students are still responsible for any missed classwork, and professors will provide arrangements for missed assignments on a case-by-case basis. 类似的, 学生旷课, athletic activities or other campus commitments should notify their supervisor, 提前指导或建议. Students needing assistance in addressing questions regarding religious absences may contact chaplain@americangreens.net.    


Carroll’s various dining venues offer a range of meal options and dining hours. Choose a vegetarian diet with alternative protein sources at the G8 station in the Main Dining Room or grab a late-night meal from the Pioneer Indoor Terrace to manage fasting hours. Students who observe other dietary practices, 比如犹太或清真饮食, 我们鼓励大家联系 dining@americangreens.net 讨论餐饮选择. When our dining services are unable to meet specific religious dietary needs, students may request housing with kitchens where they can prepare their own meals.    


Carroll’s residential housing is a welcoming environment where students from a range of religious traditions live and observe their own spiritual practices. 在极少数情况下, students may require special housing accommodations to practice their tradition fully. Students with concerns about housing policies and religious practice should email housing@americangreens.net 了解更多信息. 


The religious communities of our region love welcoming Carroll students for both religious practice and education. The 属灵生活办公室 will help you find a community of your own tradition, so that you can continue enriching your religious identity as a student.  

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